Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

ArchLinux: Setting MTU with netctl

First things first: I'm using a router from my internet provider...
After migrating my wireless connection management on my laptop from wicd to netctl, I felt a huge drop in throughput. I saw that my network adapters were using the default mtu of 1500. And then I remembered, yes, wicd has had a nice box to enter a custom mtu.

After some searching I found out, that netctl can handle custom mtu configurations as well. The 'ExecUpPost' entry in a connection profile handles this. Here's the simple WPA2 profile that I'm using for my home network (check out the line printed in bold letters):
Description=Home Wifi
ExecUpPost='/usr/sbin/ip link set wlp3s0 mtu 1492'

I'm sharing it here, in case
a) anyone else encounters the same problem and
b) I forget again, how to set it


Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013

Primerunner download links

mako build 2013-02-11:

[*]probably fixed: navbar (lights out mode) button margins
[*]QS: dedicated drawable for screen-off tile
[*]QS: use old drawable for ringer_mode: vibrate
[*]settings: translations for Quiet Hours (de/fr/it/es/nl/pt, partly done by buddahlou)
[*]framework: translations for powermenu (de/fr/it/es/nl/pt)
[*]feature: hide usb debugging symbol (switchable in dev settings)
[*]fixed: pressing of volume btn doesn't wake device anymore
[*]fixed: menu button in landscape now has a proper blue icon
[*]build: speed up build, omit signing the
[*]change: stock blue navbar icons as default (consisten look until statusbar theming is complete)
[*]feature: allow user-installed apps to be deactivated
[*]media: new wallpaper by me ;)
[*]probably something I've forgotten
[*]more detailed informartion as usual on my [URL=""]gitorious project[/URL]

grouper build 2013-02-11:
Mirror: Mega

maguro build 2013-02-11:

mako test build 2013-02-07:* feature: quiet hours* fixed: quick settings landscape

Mirror: Mega
Mirror: Dropbox

mako build 2013-02-04_r2:
Mirror: Mega
Mirror: Dropbox (please try one of the other mirrors first)

grouper build 2013-02-04_r2:
Mirror: Mega

maguro build 2013-02-04_r2:
Mirror: Mega

mako build 2013-02-04:
Mirror: Mega

mako build 2013-01-03: 
grouper build 2013-01-03:
Mirror: Mega

maguro build 2013-01-03:
Mirror: Mega